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How To Generate Fake Paypal Payment Proof or Screenshot?

Want to impress your friends or need some fake payment verification? Learn how To Generate Fake Paypal Payment Proof or Screenshot.
How To Generate Fake Paypal Payment Proof or Screenshot?
create fake paypal payment proof
PayPal is undoubtedly no. 1 online payment gateway across the globe. It is an email based system to send/receive the payments. Almost all international sites accept paypal as a medium of payment. But with increasing demands, Scammers are also rapidly increasing. Nowadays, people creates/generates fake paypal payment proof to make more referrals or simply to gain trust. And in this tutorial I'm going to present a method scammer idea in an easy way to create fake payment payment proof or screenshots.

Note: Please don't misuse this tutorial. This tutorial is only for educational purpose. Learn more about Paypal.

Requirements :

  • A PayPal Account.
  • At least one transaction of any amount ( If you do not have any, send $0.01 to your PayPal account. That will also work.)

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Create Fake PayPal Payment proof of screenshots

  • Go to Paypal.com and log into your account. Enter the email address and password you used while signing up.
  • Now you'll be redirected to Summary Page. On the right side you can see past 30 days transactions. Click on one of the transactions and you can now see a detailed page of that transaction.
generate fake paypal transactions

Note: If your transaction was made earlier than 30 days, go to this page to view your history.It will redirect you to the classic view of PayPal.

  • Right click on the detailed page and click on View Page Source. You can now see a hectic page full of coding. Panic? Calm down.. We won't need whole code.
  • Save the Page As HTML and open in Notepad. Search for the below lines of code. Customize your amount, email and other details.

  <td class="small" colspan="3">
    <span class="emphasis">Payment Received</span> (Unique Transaction ID # <span id="mer-txn-id">0N22AD5689VG1254</span>)
  <td colspan="3">
    <br class="h10">
<tr valign="top">
  <td align="right" class="label">Sent by:</td>
    <br class="textSpacer">
  <td class="small" id="mer-biz-name">TwistBlogg Ltd. (The sender of this payment is <span class="emphasis">Non-U.S. Verified</span>) </td>
<tr valign="top">
  <td align="right" class="label">Payment sent from:</td>
    <br class="textSpacer">
  <td class="small" id="mer-biz-email">payment@twistblogg.com</td>
<tr valign="top">
  <td align="right" class="label">Payment sent to: <br>
    <br class="textSpacer">
  <td class="small" id="mer-biz-email">fakepayment_twistblogg@gmail.com</td>
  <td colspan="3">
    <hr class="dotted">
  <td colspan="3">
    <br class="h10">
<tr class="mer-contact-info" valign="top">
  <td align="left" class="smallEmphasis" colspan="3">Business Contact Information <br>
<tr class="mer-contact-info">
  <td valign="top" class="label">Customer Service URL:</td>
  <td width="6">
    <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="6">
  <td align="left" valign="bottom">
    <span class="small">https://www.twistblogg.com</span>
<tr class="mer-contact-info" valign="top">
  <td class="label">Customer Service Email:</td>
    <br class="textSpacer">
  <td class="small">
    <a href="aman@gmail.com">aman@gmail.com</a>
  <td colspan="3">
    <hr class="dotted">
  <td colspan="3">
    <br class="h10">
<tr valign="top">
  <td class="label">Amount received:</td>
    <br class="textSpacer">
  <td class="small">$99999999.99 USD</td>
<tr valign="top">
  <td class="label">Fee amount:</td>
    <br class="textspacer">
  <td class="small">$9.99 USD <span id="mer-icplus-fees"></span>
<tr valign="top">
  <td class="label" id="mer-partner-name"></td>
    <br class="textSpacer">
  <td class="small" id="mer-partner-fees"></td>
<tr valign="top">
  <td class="label">Net amount:</td>
    <br class="textspacer">
  <td class="small" id="mer-partner-net">$99999990.00 USD</td>
<br class="textSpacer">
  <td colspan="3">
    <hr class="dotted">
  <td colspan="3">
    <br class="h10">
<tr valign="top">
  <td align="right" class="label">Date:</td>
    <br class="textSpacer">
  <td class="small">Jul 25 2018</td>
<tr valign="top">
  <td align="right" class="label">Time:</td>
    <br class="textSpacer">
  <td class="small">14:14:25 PDT</td>
<tr valign="top">
  <td align="right" class="label">Status: </td>
    <br class="textSpacer">
  <td class="smallLong">
    <span style="*line-height:0.8em;">
      <span class="mer-status-class">Completed</span>
  <td colspan="3">
    <hr class="dotted">
  <td colspan="3">
    <br class="h10">
<tr id="mer-biz-memo" valign="top">
  <td align="right" class="label">
    <span class="emphasis">Subject:</span>
    <br class="textSpacer">
  <td class="small">
    <div class="wrapText">Thanks from twistblogg for your traffic</div>
<tr valign="top">
  <td align="right" class="label">Custom Note:</td>
    <br class="textSpacer">
  <td class="small">
    <div class="wrapText">Thanks from twistblogg for your traffic - Aman</div>
<tr valign="top">
  <td align="right" class="label">Payment type:</td>
    <br class="textSpacer">
  <td class="small">Instant</td>
  • If you've proceeded all steps correctly you should be able to view something like this:
Note: Once modification is done, open the whole code using a browser. For editing I prefer Visual Studio Code. Take Screenshot of the fake paypal payment and now you've created fake paypal payment proof.

generate fake paypal transactions proof

I hope above tutorial helps you in generating fake paypal payment scam. Make proper use of this paypal trick. It's a simple trick to follow but still if you're facing any difficulties, leave a message below. I'll try to reach to everyone in time to solve fake paypal payment proof problem.
Don't always believe what you see !

Should you create a Fake Paypal Money Transfer Screenshot?

You should definitely not make fake/unreal paypal money sent screenshots for scamming or cheating anyone. It is against the law to defraud other parties and you might face punishable offences. 

However, if you are generating paypal fake screenshots for sole purpose of pranks or advertisements, it is acceptable. However, we will not be responsible for any consequences. 

Should I use Fake Paypal Payment Proof Generator tool?

A lot of tools claim to generate fake paypal screenshots, however, there is no such thing as a generator tool. They are there to just scam you or collect data.

The method we wrote is the only and safe way of making huge paypal transactions. If you are facing any difficulties while customizing source code, leave a comment, we will help you.

Paypal fake screenshots scam and how to avoid them

Some Frequently Asked Questions about Fake Paypal Generation Techqniue

Is it safe to generate Fake Paypal Payment Screenshots?

If you are not harming or scamming others and doing for sole purpose of entertainment or prank, it is acceptable. 

Are there any direct paypal money sent screenshot generator tools?

No. There are no such tools that create fake screenshots for you. The method we wrote is safest and best way.

How to identify fake paypal payment screenshots?

Check for Full name and email of sender. Fake proofs will have auto generated emails. Golden rule - Always verify the source. 

What to do if you identify fake paypal screenshots?

Report the email to phising@paypal.com so the appropriate action will be taken to prevent others from being scammed.

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  1. hi, could i get help? i haven’t made any transactions :(
  2. My email I'd kishrahul14@gmail.com
  3. Cayou help in gereating a script where I can place the username and edit them and generate the payment success full page
  4. wow ; nice post, this is an eye opener but i do not have a transaction
  5. Can you share me some transactions. Need this for a really soon. Can you please help
  6. I need your help about this
  7. I havent made any transactions help
  8. Pleas help me with the mail too boss. This is my mail mohanagabriel@gmail.com
  9. Please I need a PayPal account
  10. Hey i haven't made any transactions. Can you you please help me. I need to do this by tomorrow.
  11. I need fake PayPal payment please
  12. I need fake payment
  13. Hello, I need your help, I haven't done any transaction yet
  14. I don't have any PayPal account
  15. Hello i will like you to help me out I haven’t done and transaction on it before.
  16. Jamiehenson2008@icloud.com send me a fake receipt plz and thank you
  17. How can I do this on my iPhone
  18. Hey I haven't made any transaction. Can you help me
  19. Hey I’ve never made a transaction. Can you please help me asap
  20. Hii. Can i please get some paypal transactions. Thanks. Robinhood.78694@gmail.com
  21. I haven't done any transmission
  22. made no transactions bruh
  23. Hey, help me make a transaction to my account, I kindly need this
  24. I haven’t make any transactions on my PayPal
  25. i need $10,000 transaction fee
  26. Hey I haven't made any transactions could you mail me
    pinesphilip088@gmail.com that's my email
  27. Can I make a fake paypal proof through email?
  28. Can u tell where to execute the code? .... I am not getting the exact screenshot as yours + i don't have any account on p pal neither paid before .... Plz tell me the procedure
  29. Sir i would like some help too, haven't done any transaction yet
  30. I haven't made any transactions either. Need by tommorow. Filled out the contact form 1-2 ago
  31. My. Mail manayush257@gmail.com
  32. Hi i would alzo like help i don't have a transaction
  33. Payment too:Onguitowa8@gmail.com
    From :- gametesterknifer@gmail.com
  34. can you pls send me transactions? my email is zanderfodnes@gmail.com
  35. could you give me some transactions pls? my email is vetlebecsan@icloud.com
  36. Can you help me also ? I’ve never done any transaction on my PayPal ,how can I do this ?
  37. I also need some transactions as I haven't made any kindly send me too
  38. Hello i need help generating a payment confirmation of $100 he wants to see all details and i just know it’s a scam please help
  39. I haven't make any transaction yet on my PayPal
  40. Hey man I need help really bad
  41. Hello
    My transactions are way behind PayPal update search. Can you help me with a transaction receipt please
  42. Hey pls help ...i havent done any transaction
  43. I haven't any made any transaction
  44. I don't have one can you send me???
  45. Hey, can you send me transaction
    Thank you
  46. Hey i dont have any transactions plase help me
  47. I haven't made any transactions cna you send me
  48. I need help I don't have any transactions.sarahmartins9091@gmail.com. Please I need it now
  49. I need help I don't have any transactions. joeabin111@gmail.com. Please I need it before tomorrow
  50. please need your help man: sarthaktandon2@gmail.com
  51. homejhack621@gmail.com
  52. I don’t have any transactions can you help me please.

    My email is tamcrossman75@hotmail.co.uk
  54. hi can you help me please... i dont have any transactions would you be able to help me out? my email is NLEANN31@ICLOUD.COM
  55. I also haven't done any transaction can u help me? lawalayomidemuiz@gmail.com
  56. Ok send me the details.
  57. Give me the email address.
  58. I need a payment transaction by tomorrow ! please send it at coldsummercsgo@gmail.com . much obliged
  59. hello i dont have any transaction can you help me
  60. I haven't made any transaction can you help me jonathanmora6597@gmail.com
  61. Hey i have no transactions yet can you help me out my gmail is jonathanmora6597@gmail.com
  64. Hello I don't have any transaction.. Can you help me?
  65. I have no transactions either please help.
  66. I do not have any transactions yet so could you please help me?
  67. Hi, thanks for the information. I have no prior transactions. Please can you help me out? Here is my email. vidapopo30@gmail.com
    I really need one urgently so I can edit. Thanks
  68. Hi, thanks for the information. Please i haven't done any transaction. Can you please help me with one? So I can edit. Kindly send to me vidapopo30@gmail.com
  69. hi i dont have any transactions.will you help me out of this
  70. Please send me the transaction
  71. Please send me the transaction I need it please
  72. Can you send me some transactions to rmorrisjr1969@gmail.com thanx brother
  73. Please send me the transactions
  74. hey, i need a transaction to do it... i dont have one please help

  75. Help me i have not done any transaction .
  76. I don't have any transactions
  77. How can I have its done
  78. hello,thanks for your assistance,please i need to know the number of message that i will send to the seller.
  79. Hey, help me make a transaction to my account, I kindly need this by today night, lubingaedwin53@gmail.com
  80. Hey i need your help i haven’t made any transactions yet
  81. hello i really wanna do this but i havent made a transaction pleas help me
  82. I have not made any transactions yet, can you please help me, need this ASAP. Thank you!
  83. Hey I haven’t made a transaction can you send an email today
  84. Hi Aman,
    I need to change the amount and date of an existing receipt is this doable?
    1. If you have previous transactions, you can modify them. Hit me a message :)
    2. Hi, I don't have any previous transactions. Can you please help me out?
  85. Hey i would like some help,haven't dome any transaction yet
    1. Do leave me a message using Contact us page.
  86. Hey i haven't made any transactions. Can you you please help me. I need to do this by tomorrow.
    1. @Omar B. ::
      Yeah for sure, I got your mail. Check it once :)

      Thank you!!
    2. hello i would also like some help havent done any trasactions
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